Sigh. Another potentially funny Hollywood comedy hits the skids when it encounters a message. The message here seems to be, "Families Are Hideous And Awful, But Everyone Should Be Forced To Have One". No, I don't understand the logic of that either.The families are made up of 4 sets of familiar comedy archetypes - the yokels, the interfering women, the religious kooks and - um - the fourth set who the writers couldn't be bothered to make interesting or unusual. I suppose you can't blame them for losing interest - I know I had.Phoned-in performances and a faxed-in script result in a charmless, pointless holiday film. The only good thing about it is the charisma of the leads, and a funny appearance by Jon Favreau. But seriously, you would be better advised to watch National Lampoon's Xmas Vacation again instead.
'Sentiment: Negative ☹️'
Reese Witherspoon is the answer to that question. I've always liked her.This movie is everything I hate about comedy. Projectile vomit from a baby. Twice. Grown brothers performing professional style wrestling moves on their helpless brother to the point of extreme pain. A grown woman pushing and throwing and slamming children, admittedly in a bouncy house. Many other instances of inane physical comedy. And don't forget tasteless innuendo.Why did I watch it through? I work out while watching TV movies and I was more or less a captive audience. Changing programs in mid-stream is complicated.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
As a Vince Vaughn fan, this film is a must watch during Christmas time. Although the film is as much about the holidays as Die Hard is, the Christmas holiday is the basis for the movie which revolves around the protagonists' seemingly perfect relationship. It is rather nice to see a film where the main characters have a healthy relationship and how a slight snag can be what is necessary to make their relationship even stronger. As a romantic comedy, there are a few corny scenes but there are a few rather hilarious ones to keep the viewer laughing. Jon Favreau is in rare form giving us the best laugh of the movie. A light hearted enjoyable movie, I recommend it to anyone who enjoys romantic comedies and a fun movie to watch with your significant other.